Sometimes I wonder what my facebook and twitter posts would be like if
I could use them on my mission. Probably something like this:rap to Justin Bieber´s "Confident" #missionBAO #prime #focused
like a girl again. #theyarepink #iknowthatyouwerewondering #libresoy
#libresoyisletitgoinspanishifyouwerewondering #yourewelcome
them how they feel, and their answer is always the same. They always
say they feel like a weight has been lifted off of them, and that they
feel clean and warm. #beingamissionaryisthebestthingintheentireworld
times. At first, the week was pretty normal!! It was nice and warm,
and there weren´t too many mosquitos. AND THEN I jinxed myself and the
weather became a BLAZING FLAME OF DEATH. I almost died it was so hot
and humid. That was when the people told me that "Oh!! Today´s
beautiful in comparison to what´s waiting for you in the Summer!!"
What. That was Thursday. Today is freezing with crazy hurricane winds.
But now, I cherish every single second of the cold while I can (and
I´ll admit I have been playing the Christmas music a little too often)
right now she´s sitting in a college classroom trying to adapt to the
real world--poor thing) and it´s been a little rough, but we´re
getting through!!! My mind is especially focused on the work now that
I have to lead the area, and I´m memorizing things faster than ever.
The Lord has been blessing us and we´ve seen so many miracles this
Miracles every single moment.
remember the most is "disfrutar cada momento." Enjoy every moment. As
she neared the end of her mission, she was a shining example of this.
Every single moment was precious to her. It´s something that I need to
remember. Sometimes I get caught up in the everyday, and sometimes
monotonous, schedule of missionary life, and I don´t realize how
blessed I really am to be here. How blessed I am to LIVE even. Every
moment is precious. But only if we live our life in the way the Lord
wants us to. So I´ve made the decision NOW to be more happy. To be
happy and love it even when it´s hard. It is a decision after all.
Hermana Edwards